[How This Book Came To Be, A Letter From Thaddeus Golas Part 8]
Love is a measure of our relations with others. The love we feel is formed by our own behavior and the actions of others, not by our ideas or intentions. To love another perfectly is to experience a oneness so complete that there is no sense of another. A perfect agreement of action can be sustained only by entities who are continuously conscious or continuously unconscious; in energy realities, love is always temporary and mixed with pain. Since we human beings live in a material/energy reality, the occurrence of pain is frequent and common, and enduring it is necessary for our survival.
Therefore, love is not the universal answer to all our problems, since material systems must maintain their differences from other systems.
All agreements of action are equally pleasurable. In this respect, there is no standard of value by which to judge realities or states of consciousness. We can be happy anywhere in the universe or unhappy anywhere, depending on whether or not we agree readily with the behavior of those around us.
We must always choose which others we wish to relate to. A choice to move to a different state of consciousness will place us in disagreement with those we now love. Transitions are exciting but painful. On the other hand, if we automatically choose to avoid pain and to take whatever love is easiest and nearest, we will not move out of our present reality.
Perfect functional agreement is not possible between human beings, and we should not expect perfect love from each other. No one person alone is responsible for the pain of a relation. The pain is in the difference in the behavior of two people, not in the actions of either one alone.
Feelings never lie. Emotions always tell us exactly the degree of our agreement or disagreement with others. If we suppress our feelings because we prefer our ideas about what is happening or what we think should be happening, to that extent we will probably encounter more pain.
Perception is the experience of differences in function. The more we perceive, the less pleasure we feel. The more intense the perception, the more painful it is.
Agreements can be felt and known but cannot be perceived, which is why we sometimes doubt our good feelings. A perfect functional agreement is invisible. Love and good feelings grow with agreement: the better we feel and the more we know, the less we perceive. "Love is blind."
To love consciousness, we must be space. To love energy, we must not only be energy, we must be synchronized energy. To love mass, we must be unconscious. Love is an absolute identity of action with our neighbors.
Our energy reality is pervaded by the frequent probability of non-love, or pain. There is no higher or lower value of energy. All rapidly alternating entities are energy, and suffer the same liability of potentially unsynchronized vibrations, of persistent pain.
The oneness of space is not a mystically difficult state to achieve. All an entity needs to do is to cease vibrating: to will to be continuously conscious. Energy imagines a mysterious power that knows all and controls all. But space has no interest in the information that energy wants, and has no desire to engage in energy's passion for gaining agreement by manipulating others. Is love the power? No. Consciousness is the power. But it is not the power to do anything specific. It is the power to push away from itself all unconsciousness, to remove itself from all energy and mass entities. Consciousness is not the power to control the material world: it is the absolute power to be free of it.
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