Non-spiritual Remote Viewer!

From: Leena Pekkalainen
To: Gerald O'Donnell
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 9:20 AM
Subject: Busted: Non-spiritual Remote Viewer!

Gerald! There they go again!

I don't know if you have noticed, but another RV-company from the RV world has very recently been throwing baseless accusations against you. At first, you laughed at the whole thing, and said that negative thoughts always comes back biting its originator and you will not go down to these low levels for now. Well, I know you, but I must admit that I was first flabbergasted and later a trifle upset at what was said so I decided to send this feedback to you.

By now, you may have read it or not. Here is the
link. Your name is mentioned only once as a side comment since the emphasis is on slandering Sean David Morton, whom by the way I respect, if only for his high degree of concern about the dire state of our planet's ecological balance. But I take everything else in that page refers implicitly even to you since you are as a side-comment also called a "sham" together with Glenn Wheaton for "dubious claims of government clandestine work." (One thing is sure: The writer never ever did any governmental  RV work since she probably was a young girl when these outfits were operational and only learned the techniques when she married the founder of PSI Tech Major Ed dames whom she subsequently left as she took on the helm of that co. with another gentleman) I am not passing any judgment as far as her abilities as a remote viewer or teacher, but only would like to make a few comments since I don't understand her accusations at all.

Remote Viewing Tribal Warlords Convene for the RV Conference

"Remote Viewing Tribal Warlords Convene for the RV Conference"
click here to see in original size - 82 KB)

This is very strange, because in December 1998 Daryl O'Berg, then  a trainer with PSI TECH,  sent you a warm message lauding your site and appreciating your tolerance and lack or criticism directed at others at a time when the RV wars were boiling. Major Dames and Joni were also sending kudos.

I know that you have always encouraged your students to try, if they want, other methods such as TRV, for they all have their strong points, and felt that they could be beneficial when combined with yours, especially at the monitoring training level. You never belittled them. Quite to the contrary.

I did peruse and visit the website that she quotes extensively regarding Sean David Morton and although that site is critical of Mr. Morton, there are 6 full pages in the same site highly critical of PSI Tech's founder and his teaching team that then included his ex-wife. Many misses are given as examples etc.. I find the situation quite embarrassing for PSI Tech and I find the fact that Mrs. Dourif bases her smear campaign on the information gleaned by a site that is also highly critical of PSI tech's methodology, a bad error in human and business judgment. Frankly almost humoristic! Personally I am not a big fan of the energy that this so-called watchdog site emanates. I sense much skeptical negativity there and therefore do not accept any of its information at face value. B.T.W. Gerald O'Donnell is not mentioned even once on that web site.

PSI Tech June 2003's statement starts as follows:
"Technical Remote Viewing® is real. It really works. The Pentagon really did spend $20 million on its secret psychic spy unit, and then in an unprecedented move in military history, handed the operational unit off to PSI TECH in 1989. For the last 14 years PSI TECH has been the protector of the technology, developing and refining it to its present level of capability."

This is a good one! Totally ludicrous! From all my research on this field, the US government officially closed down their former Remote Viewing programs in the late 1980 ( I said officially!) and never handed it over to any civilian commercial outfit.

Click here to continue: Busted: Non-spiritual Remote Viewer! Part II

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©1997-2010 Gerald O'Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Article posted with permission of Mr. Gerald O'Donnell. File name: spiritual remote view